LivingADK started as Communities 2000 and was then incorporated in 2001 as a regional not-for-profit organization that provides a forum for community concerns, interests and aspirations of residents in the Western Central Adirondacks. LivingADK seeks to promote vibrant and sustainable communities along the Route 28 corridor within the towns of Forestport, Webb, Inlet, Long Lake and adjacent communities. Throughout our strategic planning, when we refer to communities, we are talking inclusively about our year-round and seasonal residents, as well as visitors to our region.


LivingADK will be the leading organization to foster and support vibrant and sustainable year-round Western Central Adirondack communities by planning, identifying and securing resources to promote economic development, social responsibility and a balance of commerce and nature.


About LivingADK

About LivingADK

LivingADK envisions communities in the Western Central Adirondacks where year-round and seasonal residents alike will find a vital year-round economy, access to needed healthcare and social services and strong educational opportunities.  Building on our natural resources and assets, there will be commercial, retail, cultural and creative amenities that support a thriving tourism economy that attracts individuals and multi-generational families now and into the future.

LivingADK’s vision will be accomplished by the following:

  • Planning for the future of our communities, while preserving and protecting the beauty and benefits of our heritage and our natural resource assets
  • Facilitating open communication and increased cooperation among diverse entities within the region
  • Supporting the development and implementation of comprehensive master plans for each of our constituent towns and for the region
  • Creating partnerships that maintain and enhance economic development, stability and growth
  • Encouraging cooperation among the constituent towns in terms of sharing human and material resources
  • Leverage resources and maximize capacities of regional not-for-profits
  • Recruiting new board members with valuable business experience
  • Implementing community enhancement projects
  • Facilitating community education and collaboration on issues of importance
  • Match community needs with available funding resources
Meet The Team

Our Staff

Robin Hill

Robin Hill

Executive Director
Melissa Pieber

Melissa Pieber

Food Security Program Coordinator
Susan Williams

Susan Williams

Office Manager
Steve Underhill

Steve Underhill

Director of Economic Development
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